Friday, July 29, 2005

Going Away!

Going to camp soon. Totally excited. This will be my last post until like next Saturday pry. I totally love u all and will update as soon as possible. I've totally been packed for a week, it's awesome. Also, to those who are attending camp, I salute you.

Thursday, July 28, 2005

My sister

This is my sister with Ben Affleck.
I had more pics of her that I could put on here but they got lost in my computer someplace and I cannot find them. She met him when she was on her ship and he came for a tour.

What a Lady!

This is one of the awesomest ladies I know and I love that I know her. Here are some pics of her and her gorgeous baby.

Wednesday, July 27, 2005


I totally won first place in this contest from some bubble gum company: Hubba Bubble. Like it was in Teen People but it was from Hubba Bubble. Anyway I won first place but I can't remember what it is that I signed up to win. (LOL) But, they're sending it to me, anyhow.

Tuesday, July 26, 2005

Baptism 2005

Hey all! Well some awesome people got baptised on Sunday and I figured I would steal some pics from the Rev Blog to post on my blog. Just a little update also I have two new blogs and they are listed in my linkage hope you all will check it out. I also am helping with VBS which is a lot of fun and its my last week working for the Brobergs which sux. Here are the pics:

Jason getting prayed over before getting baptised.
Shainers getting prayed over before getting baptised.

Sunday, July 24, 2005


This is the dog of the future! This is the kind of dog I want when I grow up and have my own pad. It is a cross between a schnauzer and a poodle. These breeders are coming up with tons of sweet hybrids, but schnoodles are the best that I can see.

Aren't they the cutest things you have ever seen? They come in lots of different colors but mostly silver and black and they cost about $400-$1000 (the only bad thing about them).
Here are some more hybrid dogs:

A Puggle - mix of a pug and a beagle.

A Maltipoo - maltese and a cockapoo.

Are these not the cutest dogs u have ever seen? I totally want a schnoodle or a puggle or a maltipoo. Mostly a schnoodle- vote for your favorite: I'm asking for ten comments at least. Have a great day.

Friday, July 22, 2005


Well I totally won't go thru the trouble of posting the Batman website in my links like I did for Charlie and the Chocolate Factory but the movie was great. Somehow I thought Tom Cruise was supposed to be in the movie with that chick because they are dating-do you all know what I'm talking about? Oh I remember her name now- its Katie Holmes and she is dating Tom Cruise who is like way way older than her. But thats beside the subject in Batman Begins Christian Bale plays the caped crusader and does an excellent job at it. I think I thought Tom Cruise was in it because he directed it and apparently that was where Katie Holmes and him met... I don't know anyhow it was an awesome movie and now the only movie I need to see is the Fantastic Four. I'll post a picture, too, because Christian Bale is hot as Batman. I should also say that I went with Chelsea, Steph, Amber, Natalie, Matt H, and Andy R. I also remember thinking last night that it was the latest I've been out in a long time and thinking that I live a very sheltered life that I'm thankful for. Thanks to Shainerz who gave me a ride (came and picked me up and everything).
Anywho here is my pic:

Wednesday, July 20, 2005

A Title...nothing witty comes to mind (LOL)...

Well I'll be done bragging about my niece and nephew for a little while (and done showing off my mad skills with the pictures). Anywayz I totally am getting tanned which I love because I am usually white as a ghost (maybe a little darker). I am also getting totally psyched for camp and am going to start packing soon. I always pack way too early like at least a week. This should be really hard considering I have a limited amount of clothing but somehow I always manage. I've never been to camp before which somewhat bothers me but isn't really a big deal, I just never had the money. Now I'm working for my aunt and uncle to pay for it which rocks because I so wanted to go. I told my aunt this site so if she goes to this I hope she knows I am so grateful and thankful (are those the same?) to her for all of this. Also, if u haven't noticed I just want to tell u all that I add about two or three links every day and I hope everyone enjoys them. I guess I have nothing else to tell for now.
Keep on Trucking!!

Monday, July 18, 2005


Well I had a great day with my niece and nephew, even though they are getting on my last nerves. Here is a hilarious picture of them from a couple years ago that I found in my saved emails. Can u tell the one in the unicorn costume isn't quite as happy as the one without it on.

Christian said yesterday, "I'm very very rainy". He is very funny. I gave him a mohawk today and he liked that a lot so I'm thinking he is going to be a rocking kid. My niece thinks she is a princess and I don't know... You all know I'm not like a really girly girl so I'm trying to deal. But yeah I hope my sister will read this and know that they are doing good.

Sunday, July 17, 2005


Well my niece and nephew are here and I'm going to post some pics of them with my new found skills.
Left: This is my nephew Christian a couple years ago with a mohawk while he was trying not to eat.
Right: This is my nephew Christian when he was a baby and his dad was playing with him.

Left: This is my niece Cody Lee as Tinkerbell I think like two years ago.

Bottom: my niece Cody just sitting thurr looking pretty.

Saturday, July 16, 2005

Charlie and the Chocolate Factory

Well last night Brooke Devine, Steven Zubich, and I went to see Charlie and the Chocolate Factory (FYI-rated PG) starring Freddie Highmore and Johnny Depp. We were supposed to meet the Pearsons but we couldn't find them until after the movie so we said hi to them and Ronnie was there, too and I think one of Natalie's friends, also. Anyway here are some pics from the movie:

Here's the whole Willy Wonka gang including Johnny Depp whom I've been told is hot. In this movie he looks like Micheal Jackson. In real life he's creepy, too but somewhat good looking I guess.

This is Augustus Cloop the overweight, chocolate loving golden ticket winner. I had a ton more pictures but they wouldn't load so just check out the link I'm going to post for a little while for more pics.

Friday, July 15, 2005

Mohawk boy

Well I hope u all can see this because it is the best pic of Jake ever!

Hmm who knows what my first pic will be????

First Picture Post!!!! Me (looking good might I add) helping to launch balloons.

This is Jacob and Jessica Broberg and Brooke Devine at the Hibbing Mines and Pines Parade. Aren't they all adorable?

Ok so I was totally going to post a picture of Jake with a mohawk but I can't find it so I will post one of the guy I miss most at this time:

Tom I hope you are doing great at your job and good luck with everything you want to accomplish.

Thats it for now!

Everything Has Its Time

So it seems like this post is better suited for today since i just found out that Jenni and Larry Clair (and little Lauren!) are leaving for Springfield, Ill at the end of August which sucks but obviously is the right thing; it must be what God wants. Anyhow I still want you to check out my posts - Guys and HUGS FOR JESSICA. And now I would like to ask u all a question-have you ever heard the song that goes 'For every season change, change, change' or something like that while here is a bible verse that is very like that song (song pry came from verse).
This is from the message bible...
There's a right time for everything

Ecclesiastes 3.1-8

There's an opportune time to do things, a right time for everything on the earth:

A right time for birth and another for death,
A right time to plant and another to reap,

A right time to kill and another to heal,
A right time to destroy and another to construct,

A right time to cry and another to laugh,
A right time to lament and another to cheer,

A right time to make love and another to abstain,
A right time to embrace and another to part,

A right time to search and another to count your losses,
A right time to hold on and another to let go,

A right time to rip out and another to mend,
A right time to SHUT UP and another to SPEAK UP,

A right time to LOVE and another to hate,
A right time to wage war and another to make peace.

This says to me: Choose your battles wisely and trust the Lord's guidance in everything.

Thursday, July 14, 2005

I am What I am

Well, I have to say lately I've been trying a little bit more to conform to other people's beliefs and styles. Finally I realized what I was actually doing and saw that this is my time to decide what I want to be and who I want to be. Certain unnamed people lately have told me things about my style that's wrong (such as flipping up my collars on my polos) and things about my beliefs of the lord that people have scoffed at. I'm sick of conforming, trying to be what people want you to be or what the world wants you to be. I am what I am-that's all there is to it and I won't be told anymore that what I believe or how I dress or how I act is wrong, less it's constructive criticism. So for all those who recently have criticised me with a mean spirit attached- please just focus on yourselves unless u are witnessing, thanks.... But I do love you all... Hope you have a great day.

Tuesday, July 12, 2005


Well as long as that fiasco is wrapped up let me pose another thought for you.I might figure out today how to blog a photo.
Anyhow my thought-
Matt. 6.33
When deciding on options ask yourself 'Which way would bring God glory?' My bible has awesome things like that in it. I think this is a great thing to think about... I need to do more of it myself.
Hope y'all have a great day!
Rock On!

Monday, July 11, 2005

Scripture Satisfies

OK this is another scripture, but I still want y'all to check out HUGS FOR JESSICA and my Guys post.
So here it is:

Song of Solomon 1.1-3
The Song--best of all songs--Solomon's song!

The Woman
Kiss me--full on the mouth!
Yes! For your love is better than wine,
headier than your aromatic oils.
No wonder everyone loves to say your name!

Song of Solomon 1.8-11

The Man
If you can't find me, loveliest of all women,
it's all right. Stay with your flocks.
Lead your lambs to good pasture.
Stay with your shepherd neighbors.

You remind me of Pharoah's
well-groomed and satiny mares.

Pendant earrings line the elegance of your cheeks;
strands of jewels illumine the curve of your throat.

I'm making jewelry for you, gold and silver jewelry
that will mark and accent your beauty.

My bible says that the Song of Solomon is the book of love. I think it talks about how a woman loves God and wants him with all her heart in her life but I dont know. I hope you all enjoy these though. Does anyone know what Song of Solomon is about?? You could fill me in.


My post today is going to be about guys... but still check out my previous blog post HUGS FOR JESSICA. Anyhow about guys... I want to throw a question out to any guys who check out my blog: What do guys look for in a girl? Another question: How come guys are attracted to girls who are teeny tiny and don't eat anything? Aren't they ever hungry? I mean come on thats gross. Thats it for now.. hope everyone enjoys their day.

Sunday, July 10, 2005


Well we had another Summer Survivor event.. It rocked! I don't think my team won tho but whatever, if u check out the Rev blog u can see some totally killer pics for it. We had a great message in church this morning shoutout to Pastor Randy!!! My dad is home, but I think just because he has to go to work; my uncle is better though although how much better is unknown to me. Well I think I would love to go to bed now so love ya all and another shoutout to the best washboard abs on Beauty Lake beach.. You know who you are! J/k he is real cute tho and modest I never knew he looked like that before.. thats a sign of an awesome guy.. if he knows who he is I hope he stays just the way he is because thats a great way to be and he will be blessed for it in the end. I love that I can say anything on this blog!

I Just Really Don't Know...

So everyone I still expect you to check out the HUGS FOR JESSICA post but I figured I needed to post quick. My day was hectic. I was supposed to get my niece and nephew today but my uncle got sick and we had to drop the kids off at thier aunt and uncle's house. My uncle has cancer; for a while he got rid of it but he has this disease called Epstein Bar and it attacks his immune system so that even tho his cancer was gone, he was very susceptible (did I spell that right? Usually I'm very good with that but its like after midnight) to the cancer again. So he has it again and he is in an induced coma because he has brain swelling and I'm really kind of freaked because my dad is panicking and he really doesn't normally freak out. I'll most likely be in church tomorrow morning, hoping to see ya all there. Oh by the way Brandon Monson performed at the street dance for Teen Idol and was quite good.

Friday, July 08, 2005

Scripture strengthens

Well now that I've told you all your mission maybe you would like some tools for it.
Psalm 93.4-5
Stronger than wild sea storms,
Mightier than sea-storm breakers,
Mighty GOD rules from High Heaven.

What you say goes-it always has.
Beauty and Holy mark your palace rule,
God to the very end of time.

Thats a good one but maybe you will enjoy a Proverb more...

Proverbs 2.6-8
And here's why: GOD gives out Wisdom free,
is plainspoken in Knowledge and Understanding.

He's a rich mine of Common Sense for those who live well,
a personal bodyguard to the candid and sincere.

He keeps his eye on all who live honestly,
and pays special attention to his loyally committed ones.

Well I'm on a another roll now so how about one more good one-

Ezekiel 5.13
Only then will I calm down and let my anger cool.
Then you'll know that I was serious about this all along, that I'm a jealous God and not to be trifled with.

What I got from this was God wants to tell you that he wants you, all of you not just pieces and he doesn't want you to give yourself to other things more than you give yourself to him. Smash your idols today.

Take some time out to talk to God today; tell Him that you want to give up your idols.

* Hugs for Jessica *

Ok I hope everyone can appreciate this.. I'm requesting something of all the girls in the rev(maybe guys too I guess) and I hope u all will do this for me. I want you all to go give your youth pastor's wife the biggest hug she has ever gotten from you and tell her all the good things she has done for you and tell she has the strength of a lion. Because you want to know what without her where would we be? Plus I think she is feeling a little down today. If she feels like telling u what about that is her business and don't worry its not something horrible she is just a little down and sad. HUGS FOR JESSICA! If you don't do it any of you there might be something wrong with you so maybe you should just go to the clinic now. Have a great day everyone and a shout out to one of my best friends in this crazy world Jessica B.

Peace and keep Rocking!!!!!

Thursday, July 07, 2005

Scripture soothes...

OK so if u want me to add u to my Links just holla- the ones I have are ones Ive checked out and like.
Heres a scripture from the Message Remix bible
Proverbs 20.1-5
Wine makes you mean, beer makes you quarrelsome-
a staggering drunk is not much fun.

Quick-tempered leaders are like mad dogs-
cross them and they bite your head off.

It's a mark of good character to avert quarrels,
but fools love to pick fights.

A farmer too lazy to plant in the spring
has nothing to harvest in the fall.

Knowing what is right is like deep water in the heart;
a wise person draws from the well within.

Booyah!! Take these to heart, some may mean nothing to you, but to someone else it may mean everything. Have a great day compadres.

Check Me Out!

So I went to see my sister last night and her kids. My nephew now has dark hair and he had blond hair last year and for a time before that it looked like he wasnt even going to have hair. Im babysitting Jake right now and the reason I blog a lot when Im babysitting him is becuz he seems to enjoy me better if I dont pick him up every second and I have to be doing something. We are going to the park at eleven. He is dancing with a blanket at the moment. I'm playing Superchic[k] - One Girl Revolution. It rocks and he is bouncing around like bouncy ball (intelligent analogy don't ya think lol). So anyways I got to see my big sister and she wants me and Travis to come out to where she is going to live and stay for a while after she moves there. She's moving to Maryland... some town like smack in between Baltimore and Washington D.C. It will totally rock. I didn't get to see my cousin last night because we went to my sister's mom's house instead of her house. If you are confused don't be my sister is my half sister and we have different moms. We look totally alike tho. Except she has short red hair and I have long blondish brownish hair (but if u know me duh!). My cousin (well I should clarify she is my sister's cousin on her mom's side but it is much easier to say cousin) and I also look quite alike, although she also has different hair than me (hers is as long as mine and straight). She looks more like my sister in her face tho. Anyhow enough of explaining all of that becuz now that I look at it it is quite pointless. I hope Blue Cross Blue Shield won but if they didn't, Go Dead Presidents becuz Travis, my brother, Jason are on there and they also seem to be behind quite a bit. Thats all for this post, I'll post more after Jake and I go to the park.

Wednesday, July 06, 2005


So wrap your minds around this all u lovely people; I'm going to chill with my awesome sister. Yessss!!!!! Anyhow I'm very, very happy and I get to see my cousin who is my age, too. She is awesome, she is homeschooled and is a christian (what more could you ask for?). I also get to see my niece and nephew. I cleaned the house today and my room last night and I think on Friday we are child proofing the house and my niece needs a bed so she can sleep in my room. She is so cute... Once I figure how to post pictures I'll post some of my niece and nephew. Anywayz I am going to totally have my hands full... but not on Tuesdays and Thursdays! Anywho bc I am going to see my sister I'm not going to church, someone will need to fill me in on what happens and how we do and if we are still in the lead. I love you all Blue Cross Blue Shield you crazy ppl!!!!!

Tuesday, July 05, 2005

On a Roll... or a bun I can never remember which

Well I figured as long as I was on a roll with these posts I might as well post again. Jacob is taking a nap at the moment btw. Here is another great scripture (can you tell I like Psalms):

A Psalm of David when he was escaping his son, Absalom
But you, God, shield me on all sides,
You ground my feet, you lift my head high;
With all my might I shout up to GOD,
His answers thunder from the holy mountain.

God will always answer. Peace....

Can't go wrong with the Lord (no not of the Rings! yeesh)

This is out of the message bible and is a totally killer scripture:

A Psalm of David
He forgives your sins-- every one.
He heals your diseases-- every one.
He redeems you from hell-- saves your life!
He crowns you with love and mercy-- a paradise crown
He wraps you in goodness-- beauty eternal
He renews your youth--you're always young in his presence

Think about those beastly thoughts- He forgives you, heals you, saves your life, renews and makes you good again. ROCK ON!


I am so bored out of my mind right now. I know I have already posted twice but lets see how many times I can post in a day and see if I can get my crush to post on my blog sometime in the near future. It could happen. If you want to know who that person is tho you will have ask me. Guys that read this dont even bother asking I wont tell you. Just girls. BTW this is Molly if yall dont know that by now. Anyways peace out........

Jake the man

So I'm babysitting Jacob and he is eating grilled cheese and tomato soup. His shirt is red now and he won't eat his grilled cheese. He says "mo' mo'!" I say,"no way Jose. Not until you eat that grilled cheese. "He looks at me and yells "'!" I finally just take him out of his chair because he has been there for about thirty five minutes. And because he said please. Gosh I love that kid.



So, here is my thought for today: I was feeling bad about not feeling bad about breaking up with this guy. Now don't get me wrong he was a great guy but he is definitely not who I'm going to marry and casual dating is kind of like casual sex, degrading and pointless. Anyways so I thought how can I not be somewhat sad. I mean I almost cried when I broke it off with him but that was because I felt bad about hurting his feelings (turns out he thought of us more as friends anyhow). But, I was reading a book called Kissed the Girls and Made Them Cry and I'm at the end now and it talks about worldly sorrow. This is sorrow over a relationship, a car, etc. It talks in depth about it and I thought about and realized I'd been spending just a little too much time thinking about how I don't feel bad about a relationship. Let me tell you unless you mess up and don't follow God's direction you should not feel sorrowful about worldly things. And I'm not saying dating is worldly and wrong btw. Actually I think guys are great (and nice to look at) but they aren't the best thing in the world. We all shall soon figure that out, tho.


Monday, July 04, 2005

The First

Hey everyone! Well, its officially a craze.. this blogging thing. I hope other people start up with it too it rocks. I was watching Larry the Cable Guy today... hes a funny guy btw, the others are a bit disgusting if you ask me but Larry the Cable Guy has pretty clean humor. A joke I heard from him was this; my horse got a broken leg the other day and I had to shoot him... now I got a horse with a broken leg and a gunshot wound. I really don't know what the point of shooting him was, somehow its supposed to make him better, I don't know but if he don't get better by next week, I'm gonna shoot 'im again. That's my humor for today.
So, on to other things: my sister is coming; actually she is already in the state, anyhow she is bringing her kids to stay with us for the summer. They are sweet kids most of the time. I guess I just miss my sister. Its all good though.
Im going to start posting good scriptures on this soon, also.
