Tuesday, July 05, 2005


So, here is my thought for today: I was feeling bad about not feeling bad about breaking up with this guy. Now don't get me wrong he was a great guy but he is definitely not who I'm going to marry and casual dating is kind of like casual sex, degrading and pointless. Anyways so I thought how can I not be somewhat sad. I mean I almost cried when I broke it off with him but that was because I felt bad about hurting his feelings (turns out he thought of us more as friends anyhow). But, I was reading a book called Kissed the Girls and Made Them Cry and I'm at the end now and it talks about worldly sorrow. This is sorrow over a relationship, a car, etc. It talks in depth about it and I thought about and realized I'd been spending just a little too much time thinking about how I don't feel bad about a relationship. Let me tell you unless you mess up and don't follow God's direction you should not feel sorrowful about worldly things. And I'm not saying dating is worldly and wrong btw. Actually I think guys are great (and nice to look at) but they aren't the best thing in the world. We all shall soon figure that out, tho.



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