Friday, July 22, 2005


Well I totally won't go thru the trouble of posting the Batman website in my links like I did for Charlie and the Chocolate Factory but the movie was great. Somehow I thought Tom Cruise was supposed to be in the movie with that chick because they are dating-do you all know what I'm talking about? Oh I remember her name now- its Katie Holmes and she is dating Tom Cruise who is like way way older than her. But thats beside the subject in Batman Begins Christian Bale plays the caped crusader and does an excellent job at it. I think I thought Tom Cruise was in it because he directed it and apparently that was where Katie Holmes and him met... I don't know anyhow it was an awesome movie and now the only movie I need to see is the Fantastic Four. I'll post a picture, too, because Christian Bale is hot as Batman. I should also say that I went with Chelsea, Steph, Amber, Natalie, Matt H, and Andy R. I also remember thinking last night that it was the latest I've been out in a long time and thinking that I live a very sheltered life that I'm thankful for. Thanks to Shainerz who gave me a ride (came and picked me up and everything).
Anywho here is my pic:


At 11:43 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

LOL Amber! Molly i thought the movie was quite good myself! Umm...I hope you had fun. C ya Sunday! Amber is such an impact on girls lives and she loves giving them rides even ask her. (She has given me quite a few actually)
Much Love


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