Sunday, March 05, 2006

Winter Retreat totally deserves a big post

So first of all I went to snow camp this weekend and made a couple awesome new friends and hung out with some friends Ive had for a while that I really dont see a lot. Lets see there was Amber!!! Shes from Duluth or around there whatever and she rocks. Shes on here I suppose u could check her out if u want lol. Anywho... there was Val, Amber's friend, or the "drunk girl". Val rocks even tho i didnt get to know her that much. Also she wasnt drunk just to tell u yo. There was also Luther and Luther if u find me on here... You made my weekend!!!! Lets see there was also Tim who Ive met before of course bcuz those of u who know me also know him. Anyway hes just a friend. Then there was his sister Sarah and Tim, Sarah, and I made a duckmobile for snowsculpting!!! It started out as a hover car and turned out to be a duckmobile bcuz we found a chunk of ice shaped like a duck head. Oh yeah Colton and his girlfriend from Hermantown helped us a bit. Hibbing beat everybody for Dodgeball and Broomball baby... But our snow sculpture didnt win bcuz they didnt know what it was. The best part by far of snow camp tho was the worship and the speaker and just God's presence moving. I loved it. The second night I just released a lot of hurt and let God's love wash over me. I won't go into specifics bcuz well it would take quite a long time, just the stuff I worked thru. But ne ways, there wasnt much else. Ill post pics on my photo album if anyone cares. I also have to add something about the movie Rent. I loved it and I cried and the music is so wonderful. Parts of it I didnt much care for but geez it rocked. So yeah comment me all and we will talk hahaa. Oh pray for Amber shes in TX then again u all know that. Much love everyone...