Monday, April 09, 2007

Wisconsinians (which I hope to soon be)

Well Amber Shain and I have been talking and as a matter of fact have big plans to pack up and move to Wisconsin. And we are not kidding you dearies. After I graduate I hope to go to the University of Wisconsin Lacrosse actually. Hopefully u Hibbingites will visit us and we for sure will visit you but we are quite serious so dont tell us we arent yo. Anyhow I have an entertaining song for yall.

Let's Pack Up and Move to Wisconsin (sung to the tune of Hawk Nelson's California)

Let's Pack Up and move to Wisconsin,

We've got lots of friends out there We'll never get bored cause we can go boarding (snow that is)

Let's let the cheeseheads take us there Let's Pack up and move to Wisconsin Hop on board

before we get olderLet's Pack Up and Move to Wisconsin,we'll never get bored cause we can go farming

Let's let the snowstorms take us there

We are totally going there woot woot!